Hi and thanks so much for being here!

My name is Alysa. I was born, raised and currently live in Michigan. I have a full-time job in the automotive industry, a husband (Paul), 2 adorable dogs and an amazing family. My main hobbies are hiking, peloton-ing, and planning/taking trips! So, naturally this has become something I just found myself pursuing.

If you know me, you know I’m constantly trying to be an entrepreneur of some sort – I made dog treats, bagels, tried out a photo booth business and did macro coaching – but I never thought of myself as the blogging type. I’ve never even kept a diary or anything to “journal” in. I always jokingly tell people that all I want to do is travel and be a blogger or influencer of some sort. I never really thought that day would come but the more I fall in love with travel, the more I find myself wanting to hopefully inspire people like me.

I have an honest passion for planning trips, meeting people and seeing new cultures and sights. We debated calling this blog “three stops ahead” because at any given time, I most likely have at least 3 trips planned. We have been so blessed to have found a great house and great lifestyle that allows us to travel and live the way we do (PTO and dog sitter permitting).

I hope my travels interest everyone, but especially my fellow travelers who are also working a full-time corporate job with very limited PTO days, and who don’t have endless funds to constantly travel to amazing places.  I also don’t do camping or van trips so if that’s what you’re wanting here, sorry. 🙂 This is geared towards the traveler who considers themselves maybe a semi tourist? Someone who can sometimes appreciate the tourist destinations and trends but who mainly wants a more unique, less crowded, off the beaten path experience, without having to go camping. So, if this ends up being just a place to formally document all of our travels, and no one cares, that’s fine too.
Either way, here I am, documenting our journeys, even with only 15 PTO days a year, a mortgage and all other adult responsibilities, dogs, and a very, very hungry (expensive) husband.

– Alysa